Friday, June 15, 2012

Home, Brown Blue Felt project, Mom

Wow!   I've been gone for over 2 weeks and am feeling a bit shell shocked!  I have been to Ontario and there's a bit of a difference between PEI and Ontario.   On a really busy day, not during tourist season, I might pass 40 cars going into town and coming home in PEI.  In Ontario, twice that number of  cars pass me as I am stopped at the driveway to the apartment my mom lives in waiting to get out!   Living with a few million people withing an hours drive is NOT a good thing!

I did manage a quick trip into Gitta's and was disappointed to see that there were not many choices for the thicker threads in the turquoise for my brown and turquoise felt project.  I did manage to find some interesting combinations though.  I can understand now why many people dye their own threads.
This is what I have to work with now.
I also managed a trip to a few second hand stores and picked up some silks.  One beautiful dress I found has lovely green leaves on it and an oxide red which matches the colours of our cliffs and soils so can't wait to see what comes of it!

I did NOT stitch a stitch while I was gone.  I guess I was having too good of a time to stitch.  My Mom and I managed to put over 1,600 KM on the car and even managed a 5 days cottage trip.  Did I mention that my mom will be 88 this year and certainly does NOT look anywhere near her age.  She is a beautiful woman who has worked hard her whole life and has given us so much and still managed to walk faster than me while using her rollator walker!.
This picture was taken a few days ago when we took a walk at Beamer Conservation Park above Grimsby.

Anyways, I'm back, I have no words of wisdom today and hopefully will be back in gear soon.  As I look around me though, I see there is a bit of housework to do.  Never leave your husband at home alone when you travel!

See you soon!

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